現在、米国の医師の3人の1人、英国の医師の2人の1人が、インド人である。優秀な医療技術を持つインド人医師による、メディカル ツーリズムを再度、企画したいと思っている。
I had a plan of medical tourism in India about five years ago. At that time, one medical institution that had state of art medical equipment and techinique could accept some patients. So I looked for participants who could take part in this tour but this tour could not come true as it was not so popular.
The expense of cardial transplant operation in India was for sure about 10% ~20% of US and 30% of Japan. Additionally, the success rate of operations in there was 99.6% or more in spite of reasonable price.
Currently, one out of three doctors in US and one of two ones in England are Indians. I think I want to plan a medical tourism tour again as there are many intellectual doctors having excellent medical expertises in India.